In One Team

"Can I ask the name of our leader? The team I have placed into?" Sean queried. Mr. Herman chortled, trying to be mysterious as he could. Sean wanted to be with his girlfriend, but the chance of getting that position was slimmer. Besides, Feline said they don't need another teammate for now.

"It's the Dear Love productions. The radio producer of that show was Friya Lee, our top star, too." Mr. Herman dropped the bomb. He heard the name before, and he surprised himself by hearing it right. It was that woman who accused him that day in the tent. The woman who was drunk, pointing at him, saying obscenities.

He doesn't have any clue about her words. It felt surreal. Absurd, at most things. Sean blinked many times, processing the name. How come Mr. Herman placed him inside that team? That would be uncomfortable for him. He swallowed, removing his gaze from the CEO.