How Dear Love Started

Friya smiled, answering back, "It's good to hear from you. You know, I always wanted to do a radio drama when I was still in college. The first time I established Dear Love, it was so fulfilling I can cry almost all day."

Sean averted his eyes, as he didn't expect for her to open up. He doesn't know why a tickling sensation felt through his chest. That's the only thing he wanted now. To know her more. And Sean didn't even understand himself.

The way she talked, Dear Love must have held a special place in her heart after all. Sean's interest in her story sooner become a confusion for him. How can he develop that kind of interest when he didn't even know her? Or so he thought. He must have known her a long time ago, but Feline said the otherwise.

Sean closed his eyes, setting aside the disturbing thoughts that circled around Friya. Good thing that Friya didn't see how desperate he was to get out of their conversation.