Mother's Resentment

Sean didn't intend to come down earlier. Friya presented to treat the entire team with coffee and lunch. He had his guts screaming on him to help her. And yes, he was right. She needed some help with those paper bags and coffee.

"It's alright, to be honest. You all need to go back to work. I just dropped by from the nearest coffee shop to have some lunch with everybody." Friya held on to the coffee in her hand when someone called Sean's name. Friya froze in her place the moment she heard the tone. Sean must have felt the same thing.

The sound of the heels clicking on the floor. Someone huffed the air right on her side the moment she approached them. It was Sean's mother... right behind her was Feline.

Sean turned his head to his mother, bowing down his head. Sophie didn't bother to turn to his son and asked if he was alright. Instead, she noticed Friya on the side. She must have kept him company at work. After all, Sophie knew he was working under Friya.