Showed Her

Inside the Kingston Restaurant, he looked at the menu and pointed at the dinner cuisine available for now. He whispered to the server he need large bowls of it, and the man smiled. Feline scrolled through her social media for the meantime and saw the praises held for Friya Lee, the top producer of the radio department. She swallowed, turned it off, as the server turned his heel around. 

He went behind the serving area and disappeared from sight. Everyone was busy chatting with their companion, and the restaurant was pretty busy. Sean propped his elbows on the table as Feline stared at him. She blinked, initiating the conversation. "You were going to ask me something, right?" 

Sean pursed his lips and sighed. "I know it's going to be uncomfortable for me to ask you these things... but is it normal for someone to sneak inside the locker room and slipped in this..."