Remember the Kiss

Friya dunked the whole shot of the glass. Sitting across from her was Louie, who was pouring himself some. She hissed, closing her one eye, and felt the burning sensation down her throat. She was at the city park, again, at the tent close by the highway. Both of them were exhausted at work. Still, Friya had the guts to drink even though there's a broadcast for tomorrow. She didn't know if she would be lazy or just going to take the leave.

After what happened earlier in the morning, she accused herself of not letting someone in, for her not to be alone with Sean. If someone else was there, they will not be close to each other. He pinned her at the wall, and she didn't have any guts to move. One inch of movement meant a touch on his lips. Friya knew she's not going to stop once she started. If he leaned closer, she would respond... it felt all wrong.