Special Episode (VII)

She felt her heart beating at the same time. It's still the same, and nothing changed. Friya knew what exactly she could feel. She placed her hands on his shoulders. Sean found the safe place of her waist, and he fixed it right there. At that moment, both of them stepped close, and when she looked up, she saw Sean's eyes. 

Up close, it's different. 

Friya resented herself that day. The day she left him. The day she threw the glares in his eyes before leaving him alone in the room. How could she apologize to him once it unfolds? Friya should ready herself. It would be full of shouts, and forgiveness wasn't a priority. 

And Friya decided not to say goodbye, not knowing what will happen in the next few hours. 

When Sean stared into her eyes, he searched them. He could see how her eyes mixed with emotions. It's like she's confused by her actions, and Friya gave off a vibe like she doesn't have the right to dance with him.