How Many More Lies

"Why, Sean? Why did you have to break up with me?" Feline doesn't know if she should do it or not. Sean turned to her with those consoling eyes. 

"I don't know how to trust you anymore, Feline." The shed of her tears was never enough to heal her injured heart. Feline looked down, and her eyes got puffier than usual. It may become red, it may become puffy, but just as she knew, Sean would never come back to the way he used to be. 

Feline quivered her lip, and spoke up, "Sean, I..." 

Good thing he stayed. There's still a piece of Sean who wanted to listen to whatever she has to say. Feline didn't know what to say, but an apology. "Sean, I'm... sorry." 

Her sobs came through, and Sean felt his eyes with those tears he never expect would stream down. He only wanted what's the best for her and him. That may be, they could find the truth in their hearts once they got separated.