Korea's Trip (I)

Friya stood in front of the mirror, staring at her reflection. It's this day. The TSV Studios were as sure as emptier than usual, and there was no one around except the sound engineers who didn't want to go. Her hopes of high right now, and Feline let go. She hasn't heard from her in days. 

Friya had a small talk to her right after she got back her bracelet. Feline was resigning... and she's leaving the studios for good. Before the month end, Friya visited Louie and told her all the plans she had for Korea. 

Louie even said, "I'm sorry, I can't be there for you. Make sure you say everything to Sean when the time becomes right." 

Friya fixed her hair up, tying it up with a holder, and saw how sunken her eyes were. The moment they land in Seoul, she hoped the delight would fix right there. A vacation and a business trip, too. Friya had been waiting for this opportunity all her life.