Nightmare Training

[Author Note: If you want you can skip the description of the skills they are the same.]

*2 Weeks Later*

" What part of this did I think was exciting?" I said with imaginary tears flowing from my eyes.

It has been a few days since we started getting out of the ever snow mountains that we called home for all these years and I was fucking exhausted every day.

Not only did we have to travel all the time during the day bu practice whatever sword stances we could in the night.

Also have you ever thought how tough it was to take care of a snow white wolf while said wolf likes to play around in the dirt. I had to scrub and bath Fenris every single day. I didn't want my companion to catch leeches or some shit.

The only thing making me survive was the curious Inosuke who behaved literally liked a child for once and asked about everything he possibly could.

" Hey Nii san what is this spongy fruit."

" That's a mushroom Inosuke. Throw it away most of them are poisonous."

" Wait. Really? So If I eat this and survive I will be invincible." He said while getting ready to eat the mushroom.

" Inosuke drop the mushroom this very second. There's a difference between a show of strength and a show of stupidity."

Inosuke seemed to be hesitating and glanced between me and the mushroom while Cerberus was doing the same.

" If you don't drop the mushroom this instant you'll have to train in ' Nightmare ' mode~."

" Also I won't talk to you for the rest of the journey Inosuke." I said while giving a sharp glare to my younger brother.

That seems to be the straw that broke the camel's back as Inosuke immediately threw away the mushroom and started to follow me.

You guys might be thinking why I didn't allow Inosuke who was has an immunity to poison to eat the mushroom?

Well the answer is simple. The guy is my little brother, it's very different seeing someone doing dangerous things on tv and having but seeing the same thing happening in real life.

Inosuke now had a downcast expression and he and Cerberus looked gloomy.

Inosuke was never one to back out of a challenge but still, my Nightmare training was something exhausting even for him.

The training was nothing that impressive. In fact I was doing it right now.

The training was pretty straightforward, you just had to travel on your hands instead of your feet while holding your sword's handle in your mouth.

For some extra effort you can try to cut falling leaves with the katana and try to change the katana from left to right by using your tongue.

The training trained my stamina, my Drake's Jaws, my hand strength, my explosive strength and my focus all at the same time.

I came up with the training while remembering Sif from Dark souls and Guy from Naruto. Of course I had other training forms for my other skills.

Not only me even Inosuke was also getting stronger pretty fast and I must say I'm proud of my little brother. Inosuke has already come up with various names for his Breath forms and I helped him to get them a lot more refined and not just have them hacking and slashing around with his sword.

Inosuke also tried my Nightmare training but he seemed to fall out quite quickly. The most likely reason about me been able to whistand this was because of my regeneration.

There was also something wierd I felt whenever I used my breath forms with my sword but due to my intense training I had no time to experiment.

My stats were going through the roof with my training.


Name: Asura Hashibira

Age : 13 years 9 months

HP : 150

ST : 180

DEX : 142

STM : 177

KI : 135

WIS : 27]

My Ki seemed to depend on my age and some other minor factors for increasing. Well it's not like I had a lot of uses for it right now anyway.

[ Demi God Body: Level 2

Exp : 72/100

Description: A gifted body from the gods. This Divine body allows the host regenerative powers stronger than the most powerful demons at it's max level ]

[ Dragon Breathing: Level 2

Exp : 68/100

Description: A breathing form developed by Aoiba Hashibira in the future. This technique allows the user incredibly thick skin and hide while also allowing the user different battle forms , also the Breathing technique will allow the user incredible stamina growth. ]

[ Wolf Breathing: Level 2

Exp : 74/100

Description: A breathing form developed by Tanjiro and Zenitsu's descendant. This breathing forms focuses more on speed and Iaido then it's Dragon counterpart which depends on raw strength]

[ Drake's Jaws: Level 2

Exp: 97/100

May allow the user to have a jaw strong enough to split steel in two at it's max potential.]

[ Wolf Claws: Level 2

Exp: 36/100

Description: A battle technique which allows the user to train their limbs better than any other existing living organisms. Can train the users nail to be sharper than Nichirin blades]

[ Beast Nose: Level 2

Exp: 91/100

Description: A nose capable of seperating and sniffing smells from a large distance. The nose will allow the user to have incredible sense of smell. ]

[ Battle Forms: Locked ]

It seemed like my skills had gone through a huge boost after my fight with the demons. Maybe it had something to do with applying them in battle and how many times they were executed.

That would explain why my Wolf Breathing had higher experience then my Dragon Breathing.

Maybe it was something about me training my techniques with actual Nichirin blades and not with sticks.

Well my strength was increasing fast and I wasn't going to say no to any increase in my strength. Even I wasn't sure how many changes happened to this world because of me.

Maybe this growth spurt was due to my age or due to me killing a demon for the first time.

Honestly I could make thousands of Facebook conspiracy theories all day.

[Author: The Karen Shadow Syndicate on Facebook is honestly terrifying and so are the conspiracies they come up with.]

*At night*

" Hey Nii san look that mountain has the same kind of pink flowers that our mountain had."

" Hmm it looks like we made it here in time Inosuke. Let's start heading up."

"Are you going to climb the mountain like that?"

Inosuke asked when I suddenly noticed that I was still standing on my hands and had a katana in my mouth.

I quickly got up and dusted myself off and put my katana back into its sheath. It was honestly embarassing when someone as wierd as Inosuke.

We started climbing the mountain and it honestly felt good with the less amount of oxygen the higher we got.

' Huh, I never thought that I would say I felt better in less oxygen levels.'

"Welcome. Have you come here for the Final selection Exam?." Asked a guy in a demon slayer uniform while smiling at us. He was holding his katana in his hands and practicing.

" Yeah. We had no idea if the exact date of the exam so we just came here before winter." I said while shaking hands with the guy.

" Oh yeah. Even my master sent me here early so I didn't miss the day. The exam will start tommorow night."

"Hmm. Okay thanks for the info. Hey Inosuke let's set up camp. We're gonna sleep here tonight."

" By the way what's your name?" I asked the Demon slayer in front of me.

" Oh it's Haku Yuki. What about you?"

" Oh I'm Asura Hashibira and this is my little brother Inosuke Hashibira."

Haku was visibly startled when he saw Inosuke with his mask on and even more startled when he saw two wolf standing beside Inosuke.

"Oh don't worry those two are our companions. The white one is Fenris and the black one is Cerberus. Don't worry they are cute little guys."

Haku didn't seem convinced because both Fenris and Cerberus were quite literally beasts. They were even bigger then any other Wolves.

" Okay Haku wanna eat with us?"
