Something Prick Her Heart

That morning, Brione was restless while controlling herself from calling her brother for a follow-up on information about Gavin's identity. Her brother was quite reliable in this kind of matter and would give a quick response, so she was expecting it today morning.

"What's wrong?" Mitch asked, noticing how Brione was spacing out while they were having breakfast.

Berry, who was sitting with them, snapped her fingers in front of Brione's face and said, " Hello Boss?! To what planet did you go to?"

Brione finally snapped back to herself and said, "I'm sorry, what were you guys saying?"

"You look worried…" Mitch said.

Brione sighed and looked at the two women staring at her.

'Maybe it would be best to tell them about it,' she thought before saying, "I called big bro and ask him to check about Gavin's birth without Uncle Damiel's knowledge."

Berry sighed as well and said, "Mr. Damiel is still not in a good state. It was not easy for him to declare Gavin's death when they didn't even find his body. Ah, I still remember how he said that it was very painful for a father to lose his son and not even see his remains. He only hoped that Gavin was alive and well somewhere."

Brione could call or meet Uncle Damiel and personally ask him things she wanted to know, but she did not want to bring up such a sensitive topic before confirming everything first. She did not want Gavin's father to have a dilemma like her.

She already thought about the DNA test but there was no way to do it since she did not have any sample of Gavin. What if she did one with Uncle Damiel and Cedric?

"That's it!" Brione shouted.


"DNA test between Uncle Damiel and Cedric," Brione gasped.

"Mr. Damiel and The Prince? What if it turns out to be a match? Then does that mean Gavin and The Prince are the same person? But what if it is not a match? Then it would mean that Boss is wrong and Prince Cedric is himself. Yet there is also a possibility of Gavin being the adopted son of Mr. Damiel so naturally, that would also result in the DNA not matching to each other? Ahh! I think I watched too much drama to come up with this possibility. My head is spinning now!" Berry stated out of reflex.

"Yeah, you have a very advanced imagination, Berry," scoffed Mitch.

Brione sighed and stood up from her chair.

"I will go to the top floor and get some fresh air," Brione said.

She liked going there whenever she needed a break. Looking at the vastness of the surrounding from there calmed her down. Manager Ruth said there was a waiting lounge there but not everyone was allowed to go up there.

"So unfair, I wanna see that part too. I heard that all the Prince's personal helicopters are parked there." Berry complained.

Brione chuckled and said, "Don't worry. I will take some pictures and show them to you later."

She walked to the elevator and used the card Manager Ruth gave her. This was a special card which gave her access to every facility inside the Palace. She wondered if the card grants access to the Prince's room as well. If it did, then maybe she could sneak into his room while he was away and steal his toothbrush as a sample and send it to the lab?

"Ah I'm sure there are CCTV cameras everywhere," she whispered, brushing off the silly idea.

As soon as she was on top, Brione smiled feeling refreshed watching the incredible view. There was an infinity pool along with a jacuzzi which was tempting her for a dip. There was also a pool-side bar with female staff if one felt like having a drink.

She sighed when her brother messaged her saying there were no concrete details yet and it would take him more time to find them. She felt even more disappointed and gloomy so she decided to take a dip to clear her mind.

"Can I go for a swim?" she asked with a smile and the staff said yes and even provided her with everything she asked. She did not bother to ask for swimwear since she was already wearing it underneath her dress.

She first took the liberty of taking pictures of the area in order to tease Berry later. Her PA would drool at the luxurious helicopters parked on the rooftop. Berry would definitely be envious of Brione as the view was way more beautiful in real life compared to the pictures shown in the brochure.

After taking lots of pictures and a few videos, she removed her dress and took a dip in the infinity pool in her navy blue two-piece halter bikini. The female staff gasped in jealousy upon seeing the perfect curves of Brione and wished they also had her perfect face and perfect body.

She enjoyed the cool breeze on her skin, not to mention the relaxing jacuzzi. The peaceful atmosphere was disturbed by the loud whirring of a helicopter. She looked at the sky trying to locate where the noise was coming from.

She wondered if it was Cedric's helicopter. She did not know why but she felt her heart jumping inside her chest at the possibility of it being him. Then she realized she was just wearing a bikini.

"And so what if I am? It's not like it matters anyway right?" she scolded herself because she often would wear something like this. She was still in the pool when the helicopter landed on the helipad. Even from a distance, she could tell that it was Will and Cedric who stepped out from it.

"Who's that?" she whispered when she saw a woman follow Cedric and hug his arm.

She did not know why but she felt something prick her heart.

'Why do you care if there's a woman hugging his arm?' she scolded herself for making a big deal out of it.