Bring Him Back

Brione rushed out of her room and the entire scene of that night started playing in her mind vividly. Gavin had written what happened that night, every dialogue between the two of them in his journal so she could imagine each and everything as a clear picture. 

This was the ray of hope she was looking forward to. She scolded herself for not thinking about it before! She bit her lip and her heart was pounding against her chest as she was making her way to Cedric's room. She was very nervous thinking about what could happen… Would she be able to do it? Kiss Cedric?

-Gavin's Journal-

"This is the best night of my life because the most important woman in my life gave me her first kiss. She was never able to kiss anyone because of her phobia and I am really happy as I'm about to write a long and detailed scene on how it happened. This is very embarrassing but I don't want to forget a single detail so I will write it like how I write the scenes in my books.