Let It Rest

Olivia heaved a long sigh and shifted her gaze to one of the flowers in the garden.

"I have confirmed from a professional last night that a person with amnesia does not lose his motor skills. Cedric loves music and he is very good at it. As a kid, he learned to play all kinds of instruments, as in all and I even joined him in some of his lessons with Will, but music was not for me or Will.

Unlike Cedric, who seemed very talented at it, playing the piano in particular. So I wanted to put him in a spot and ask him to play today but he left and I heard he will be very busy in the upcoming days." Olivia explained before turning to look at Brione once more.

"Can you do me a favor, Brione? Because I know Cedric will no longer see me once I return to our country. I hear there's a dispute between our fathers, so most likely my father will also prevent me from seeing him.