Kissing Disorder

Cedric was aware that Brione had already left. He was dying to call her but he was too busy, so he just texted her. Brione replied to inform him that she had gone straight to her brother's to have dinner with him and his family.

After dinner with his father, Cedric became available and made a quick call to check on her.

"Are you back in your penthouse now?" he asked over the line. Brione smiled and said, "I'm almost there."

"Rue, can you stop over there? I want to buy some bread," Brione instructed.

"Rue?" Cedric asked.

"Yeah, my bodyguard and driver. I will call you back later. I need to buy some bread," Brione said and ended the call. She put on her hoodie and shades before going to buy the bread from her and Gavin's favorite cafe-bakery in her area. 

"Hello Cali," Brione greeted the owner.