A Lifetime Of Imprisonment

Brione and Gavin boarded a rugged vehicle and set off to a primeval forest filled with life-size dinosaurs. Brione felt a thrill as they rode along and hugged Gavin's arm tightly.

"They look so real," Brione gasped. The sound effects were dark and menacing. The sudden appearances by dinosaurs, in an attack mode, made her scream.

The vehicle made some unpredictable turns and made Brione's heart drop. Gavin seemed to enjoy the ride with Brione clinging hard to him.

As soon as the tour was over, Gavin looked at Brione and asked, "How about we go to the house of horror next?" 

Brione pouted and complained, "Ah, later, let's rest a bit. My voice is tired from all the screaming. I have to sing a special song in a variety show next week and you know I always perform live."

Gavin chuckled and said, "Alright, let's relax on a slow and peaceful ride. Let's ride on that ferris wheel next."