You’re Not Dead

Brione had just finished eating lunch with uncle Damiel and Gavin when she looked at her mobile phone. Since she had put it on silent mode earlier, she was surprised to see a lot of missed calls both from Mitch and Berry.

She excused herself from uncle Damiel and Gavin who were talking in the living area while having some tea. She then dialed Mitch's number with a frown.

"Is there a problem? Why are there so many missed calls from you and Berry?" Brione asked. 

"Yeah... Well, I'm not sure but I feel like the new CEO will be giving us some headaches. He is demanding to see you right now. I already told him that you're out for personal matters but he insisted that I call you." Mitch informed her.

Then she asked, "What do you want to do? Should I just tell him that we can't reach you?"