Lewd Mind

At Mitch's Apartment

Mitch kept pacing back and forth in front of her wardrobe. She couldn't decide what dress she should wear for a date. She had been standing there for an hour now.

Different dresses were scattered on the bed. She was looking at them while sighing helplessly. 

'Who would have thought that picking a dress for a date would be this more difficult than managing Brione's schedule?' Mitch lamented to herself.

She had to admit that she lacked experience when socializing with men as she focused herself on her work. Aside from choosing a dress, she was anxious and worried about how her date with Kevin would turn out.

'Gosh. I hope I will not ruin everything. I don't know what to do. Sigh, why am I getting nervous like this? It is just a date for goodness sake! It's not like I am getting married or something.' Mitch kept talking to herself.