I'm Deaf

Cain was left with his father, Daniel. "Father, can I talk with you?"

"Of course you can, son," His father replied with a smile as they entered the living room. He sat on the sofa before he asked, "What do you want to talk about?"

"It's about Kimmy," Cain started. "She has always valued her privacy and freedom among all else so, she was hoping if we could keep quiet about her stay here. She told me earlier that she didn't want her mother to find out about her whereabouts."

"Are they not on good terms?" Daniel asked, quite surprised at what his son was saying.

He shook his head and sighed before he continued, "I don't know, father. She hasn't given me the details. Maybe they are, maybe they're not? 

But she seems to be escaping her mother. According to what she said, if her mother found out that she was here, she would be forced to leave this place just to run away again."