Just Become My Lover?

When the two men, Gavin and Kevin, said goodbye to the ladies, Berry excitedly pulled her friends towards the building. Upon reaching Brione's dressing room, Berry didn't waste any more time.

She grabbed a chair for Mitch and let her sit down. Her eyes were brimming with curiosity. She was not able to have a good sleep right now as Mitch continued to ignore her queries.

"You are not going anywhere today Mitch without answering me!" Berry said, holding her shoulders. There was a playful smile on her face.

Brione could only shake her head while giggling. Berry would not let Mitch escape her interrogation today.

On the other hand, Mitch was watching Berry in disbelief. She was really eager to get an answer from her.

"What happened on your date? Tell us!" Berry asked in her demanding tone.

Mitch rolled her eyes skyward because of Berry's persistence.