Did We Hear It Wrong?

When Gavin and Brione entered her office, they heard Mitch's voice calling Berry's name. She sounded annoyed.


Berry felt like she was saved from being skinned alive the moment she saw Brione and Gavin walk inside the room. 

She immediately ran in Brione's direction, hiding from her back while Mitch was looking dagger at Berry.

"Hey, what's happening here?" Brione asked them in puzzlement.

Kevin stood up, smiling awkwardly before greeting Gavin and Brione with courtesy. Mitch gave Berry a warning look which made her shut her mouth.

'If you talk, you're dead!' Mitch glanced at Berry meaningfully. Berry just nodded her head frantically, sealing her mouth.

"Oh, it's nothing. How's your meeting?" Mitch's expression went back to normal as she changed the topic.

"It went well!" Brione promptly responded, grinning from ear to ear. She was excited to tell them the good news but she had to hold herself back for the surprise.