The Faster The Better

Gavin was startled when she felt Brione's arms snaking on his shoulders from behind. 

"You look so serious having that eye contact with that bird, darling. What's going on, huh? Is there a problem?" Brione whispered in his ear. She noticed that Gavin seemed to be talking alone with a small bird perched on the table.

Gavin looked at the small bird and quietly dismissed it. The bird only relayed some important reports about the new happenings at Mirage and as usual, whenever Gavin recalled some of his memories, he would type it.

Gavin smiled. He turned to look at Brione and replied, "nothing much, Sweetheart. Just that father called a while ago and I feel so bad that he has a lot of things in his hands right now. I only hope I can be with him and help him out soon with royal duties at the palace. I heard how weary his voice was. He sounded so tired."