Do You Remember It?

Derhan Palace, Country B

"He will wake up in an hour. I must talk to Prince Gavin about his father's condition," Cain informed, looking at Assistant Sean who gave him a nod. He heaved a long deep sigh while his eyes were at their King who was still unconscious on his bed. 

The old man was going through a lot not physically but emotionally and it was more alarming. As his doctor, it was his duty to make sure that their Majesty would not fall into depression despite the burdens he was facing right now. The King was having a hard time and his health would deteriorate if he continued to stress himself out.

If only Cedric was here so one of the twins could help their father with matters concerning the country. Cain was one of the most trusted people of the royal family so he was aware of confidential matters like the real identity of the current Prince. He was not Cedric but Cedric's twin, Gavin.