What My Heart Is Full Of

At Gavin's Villa, Country D

Gavin and Brione headed to the airport and boarded the royal family's private plane to reach Country B as soon as possible.

Once they were seated in the plane, Brione gently squeezed Gavin's hand offering her silent support. Gavin had told her what happened and she truly felt sad for Olivia.

She remembered Olivia mentioning her brother when the two of them were drinking in Perdu Island. Olivia went on and on about how proud she was of her elder brother and mentioned how she looked up to him. She even went on to say that apart from Cedric, her brother was her most favorite man in the world. 

"I'm sure father is alright," Brione reassured and rested her head on Gavin's shoulder.

"Yeah… Will said he is fine but I'm still worried. I think I have to stay longer this time sweetheart. Father needs me right now so I plan to accompany him and help him out with things." Gavin said.