Use My Real Identity

Gavin let out a deep breath inside the car and Brione knew that Olivia's words affected him very much.

"I'm sure she will come around after all these things have passed," Brione consoled, gently squeezing Gavin's hand. They headed straight to the funeral home to see Olivia instead of going to see Lucas as he had called and instructed them to go visit Olivia first. When they hesitated he reassured them that he was feeling better and that they had to go see Olivia's family first.

"I hope so too, sweetheart but I doubt it will happen, especially after seeing the look on Olivia's face. Her eyes were filled with anger and I have a feeling that it will take her a long time to get over it. I can feel the determination in her words. She is blaming us for her brother's death and is holding us responsible for it which is true because he did die because of me."