Make Him Kneel

Military Headquarters, Country D

"Men, this is an important mission so we have to make sure that everything is perfect. Each one of you should be in disguise. Prepare everything we need as soon as possible because we will leave for Country B in an hour." Zach, Country D's Field Marshal instructed his team.

"Are you sure you are joining us on this mission? Does Keira know about it? Zach, it's been a while since you've been in action. Besides, Drey and I can handle this operation. We also have Riley and Cobra helping us so you don't have to come with us you know?" General Torin commented.

Zach chuckled and said, "That's exactly why I'm coming. I'm missing the action. And yes Keira knows about it allowed me to go especially since Gavin is her close friend. He is close to our family and this is the least we can do for him after all that he has done to help us out when we need him. I want to personally take charge of this mission and help him solve it."