Can’t Sleep

Despite how late it already was, Kimmy was staring at the ceiling, wide-eyed as she recalled what happened between her and Cain. She was obviously bothered by it even if she pretended not to.

She would not be able to see Cain the same way again. She was conscious that she was falling for him. She couldn't control her feelings even if she wanted to.

Cain was supposed to be the man she would marry in the past but then… she ran away. She wanted to be free. She didn't want to be tied down by her mother. She hated her mother back then for forcing her into something she was not even ready for.

And yet, look at how the events turn? Who would have thought that she was going to work under him for 3 months? Days were always slow because of him and now, she ended up falling for the man she had been avoiding.