Firstborn Son

Royal Highness Leila still couldn't believe what she just heard from Kimmy. All this time, they thought Gavin was Cedric. Her brother, King Lucas never mentioned any of this to her.

If he was Cedric's twin brother then what happened to her other nephew, Cedric?

Meanwhile, Kimmy could still see the hint of surprise in her mother's face. She was in a state of shock.

This was a shocking revelation for the Royal Family, so how much more if the whole country would learn about this. No wonder, King Lucas emphasized the importance of today's press conference.

Kimmy held her mother's shoulder and continued, "Mom, this is the reason why I told you this earlier. I don't want you to look surprised and clueless once Uncle Lucas announces the truth to everyone."

After a few seconds, Leila was able to recover from her shock. She exhaled sharply before meeting Kimmy's gaze.