You Tire Her Out, Don't You?

Back at the restaurant where Cain and Kimmw were eating...

"Huh. So you remember?" Cain raised a brow. 

"Oopsie?" Kimmy mumbled.

Just as Kimmy was thinking of an excuse, her ears perked up when the Prime Minister was mentioned on the news. She turned to look at the TV nearby. "Oh gosh! The Prime Minister fainted!"

Kimmy was able to divert Cain's attention when he turned to watch the news as well. "It must be chaotic there right now."

"We have to go back to the palace! What if uncle faints too? We need to be closeby to him if that were to happen!" Kimmy said with a worried look on her face. Aside from the genuine worry about her uncle, it was also the perfect chance to distract Cain from the topic they had earlier.

Cain sighed. He couldn't argue back since what she was saying was true. He wanted to ask her more about what she remembered but they were not in a situation to discuss that right now.