You Gotta Be Kidding Me!


At Country D.

Gavin and his team made sure to update Luo and Noah with things going on in country B, and the same goes with the couple in country B on updating Gavin with Luo's investigation and its progress.

Luo was inside her husband's private room inside his office, analyzing many things she got from all of her reliable and trusted sources. Noah, on the other hand, was outside, busy with stuff at work and the company.

Good thing that Luo's parent was always requesting to stay with them, so they knew their son was in good hands even they were not around and busy with each other's work.

Noah stretched his arms and looked at the door of his private room, then sighed. He could no longer recognize his own space because Luo made it look like a mess with many papers wherever he looked, and even on his bed plus laptops. She was also using other more gadgets to compare a lot of things.