A Good And Worthy Man


At Derhan Palace, as Cain walked with Gavin towards the King's private wing, he could not help but die of curiosity if the Harry of Cha Group was the same man Kimmy mentioned. 

"Hey, are you alright? Is there something wrong?" Gavin asked when he noticed that Cain's focus was still on the screen of his mobile phone since they left the counseling room.

"Oh yeah, just some random patient I'm checking on," Cain lied, followed by a sigh before he locked his mobile phone and put it in his pocket. He tried to clear his head and decided to ponder Harry's matter later after completing his work with the royal family.

He and Gavin proceeded in the living area of the King's private wing. The King was having some tea with Brione while engaged in a funny conversation since he laughed hard when they arrived.