Looking Forward To Meeting Him

At Country D

"Ready?" Noah asked his wife Luo, who nodded.

"Remember to act normal, Luo. Gavin will confront him himself, and it's not for us to do it. Our only job is to make sure he stays by our side. Keep him company and make sure he won't feel suspicious of anything," Noah reminded, making Luo crumple her face.

"Should I remind you that I'm a professional, and surely I act better than you? Not because your sister is a one of a hell best actress then don't think you're like her…" Luo scoffed.

Noah laughed and said, "okay fine. My wife is good at everything and the best among the rest, including me. Stop sulking and ready your usual smile. We are here."

He pinched Luo's nose since she did not respond.

"You're not this grumpy when you're pregnant with Calvin. How come you're so moody lately," Noah whispered. Luo did not respond to him at all. Noah only chuckled, thinking how cute his wife was even in her mad state.