Thank You For Everything


At Derhan Palace

After dinner, Gavin checked his father Damiel in his room. He knocked, and his father opened the door.

"Yes, son?" Damiel asked.

"Can I come in?" Gavin asked with a smile.

"Sure, son," Damiel said and opened the door wide so Gavin could enter.

"I brought a good drink. I made this myself… It's your favorite," Gavin said, raising the bottle in his hand.

"Grumpy old man drink?" Damiel guessed, chuckling. Then his face suddenly paled as he asked, "You remember?"

Gavin nodded and said, "Yeah, I remember only a few, and one of them is we, having this drink in your favorite place. The balcony under the night sky. It's been a year since we last spent time like that together."