Eliminating His Enemies


The after-party soon ended, and guests from other countries left first. Some of the cabinet members headed out, but the royal guards stopped them and asked them to return, saying the King had a few more words to give to the government officials. But the royal guards made sure they all escorted the media out.

"Are we not allowed to leave yet? What is going on? Why do I feel like there is something wrong here?" asked one of the Cabinet Members with a confused expression.

"I guess so… Maybe His Majesty has something more to say to us, his officials," Ryza commented since she noticed that all cabinet members and government ministers were the only ones still inside the hall. 

She looked at Gavin, wondering what it could be. She was disappointed to know that Cedric was not around. Gavin did not disclose Cedric's whereabouts, but he confirmed before that Cedric would soon come back, and the people of country B would be the first to know.