Don’t Jinx It


At Derhan Palace.

Leila decided to stay at the palace for a few more days to be with her brother and assist Gavin and Brione with simple things she could do as part of the royal family.

She shook her head when Kimmy informed her that she had some appointments, so she wouldn't be able to join her today as well.

"That brat, don't tell me she will sleep in her apartment again this time?" she scoffed, reading Kimmy's message that she would have dinner outside instead. She immediately replied and told her to sleep in the palace rather so they could both assist with Brione.

She walked inside the dining area and saw everyone already gathered for dinner.

"Where is Kimmy, Aunty?" Brione asked. 

"She said she had an appointment outside. She would eat dinner outside," Leila informed.