Love Heals


Cain stopped, and his eyes lit up as he stared at Kimmy. Did she just say that she would introduce him formally to the whole family over breakfast?

"What?" Kimmy asked, slightly blushing with the way Cain was looking at her.

"Are you sure? I mean, you will really introduce me to the whole family?" Cain asked in disbelief.

"Haha. What's with your reaction? It's not like it's the first time you will meet them," Kimmy said with a teasing smile.

"Yeah, but… it's the first time I will face them as your boyfriend. I'm nervous," Cain murmured, and he meant that.

Kimmy chuckled and kissed the tip of his nose, and she said, "Think of it as just a usual breakfast with the family, okay, like you used to do before. Release me now and pull it out. We should get ready and not be late for breakfast."