Isn’t just a simple request

At Derhan Palace.

Will felt tired after having done an overtime meeting with Gavin and the rest of his constituents. He looked at his wristwatch and sighed.

"Dinner?" Gavin asked. 

Will shook his head as he politely refused, "I'm sorry, Your Majesty, but I need to go home."

Gavin gave him a teasing grin, "Looks like you're really taking it seriously… Hmm, I haven't  seen you this dedicated ever since I knew you, Will."

Will frowned as he looked around. Upon making sure that everyone in the room had already left except for him and Gavin, he mumbled, "This is Brione's fault. Why are you teasing me about it? How many times do I have to say that I'm only doing Olivia a favor?"

Gavin chuckled, "And why are you so defensive? I just said that you're too dedicated to honoring that favor. I honestly admire and salute you for that…"

Will pouted. He was sure that Gavin was teasing him like Brione, even though he wasn't the one who started it.