Build a family together

Kimmy and Cain ate lunch with Daniel, and the elder couldn't help but tease the couple, "You two… Both of you are blooming and shining. It's indeed nice to be in love."

Cain chuckled, "And we will work hard in giving you grandchildren soon, Father."

Kimmy elbowed Cain. She blushed hard in embarrassment due to Cain's candidness while she was around.

"That sounds good, son. I will surely anticipate that," Daniel beamed with excitement as he imagined a lot of kids filling their mansion with pearls of laughter and giggles.

"Later, we'll eat dinner at the palace, father. We're planning to formally announce the good news to Kimmy's family. Also, I'm planning to go abroad with Kimmy before the wedding to introduce her to Mom and my other siblings," Cain informed.

"That's great. It'll be hard for your mother to travel abroad, so you should visit her instead. Maximize the days you can spend there, yeah?" Daniel suggested.