
After a few moments, Cain and Kimmy soon arrived at the Derhan Palace. They were earlier than expected, but it was still a good thing, in their opinion. 

"Wait a sec, I have to go into my office real quick," Cain whispered into Kimmy's ear just as they reached the door to the reception hall. "Will you be okay alone?" 

Looking at her, Cain unknowingly let his nose linger on Kimmy's scent. He just loved her intoxicating smell, a pleasant sensation that just made her so addicting to him.

"Stop sniffing me like that. There are people around," Kimmy scolded him as soon as she noticed, a blush forming on her face as she ignored the growing heat inside her. Somehow, Cain's subtle gesture was making her body feel aroused. And to think that they were in public! Not to mention the cameras that were clearly present from every corner.