Monarchy versus democracy

That night, when the rest of the family had left, Gavin walked his wife Brione back to the bedroom and said, "I'll be back soon. I need to talk to Cedric."

After tucking in his wife in bed, Gavin walked to the forbidden wing to have a private conversation with Cedric. The two met, and they stayed at the latter's veranda where there a spectacular view of a beautiful garden that Cedric planted and nurtured himself was present.

"You did great in this garden," Gavin commented. Even though it was night, Cedric managed to install enough lightning that one could still see the beauty of it in the moonlight. 

"Yeah… Well, I like plants," Cedric chuckled. "They're the only living things that don't tempt me to suck dry." Before, he didn't even give a single plant a passing glance since he was more of an animal lover… That was before though, back when he was still nothing but a weak human being.