All the time in the world

As soon as the couple kissed in front of the alter, cheers from the guests echoed forth from the sidelines. Evelyn smiled lovingly, seeing her son, Cain, finally being happy with his life. While the entire venue was packed, not a lot of their respective friends managed to come to the wedding. It was already lucky that Kimmy had her family with her, lest they probably wouldn't have managed to fly over due to the fast nature of how the marriage went through.

As soon as the couple finally broke off the kiss, the officiator proclaimed the ceremony over, and it was now time for the reception to begin. The couple made their way to the other side of the small house, where a quaint setup of tables and chairs littered the grass covered yard.

"I hope you all enjoy the festivities," Cain announced on the microphone. "Kimmy and I extend our most heartfelt thanks to all of you for witnessing our wonderful union."