chapter 4

"Here's the plan," Lillian said as she placed a large pile of parchment paper on the desk.

"Okay...that's a lot." Ruffling through the papers, Nina was surprised to see the amount of detail Lillian had put in. The documents outlined a detailed timeline of the plot as well as the escape plan and even two back-up plans.

"And I need your help, Nina to successfully escape."

"So, the main escape plan is to go out to town and run away from the guard knights. Quickly change into mens clothing and then…take a carriage to the next town?" Nina said, unsure.

"Yes! That's it. I need someone to help me distract the knights and then we'll quickly change before catching the next carriage to the next town!" Lillian excitedly clapped.

" are we gonna change? And where? Like do you have a place ready? And where is the carriage stop?"

"Don't worry! I have it all sorted out. There's an empty building not far from the town and it's perfectly safe. Also the building is only a few minutes from the carriage spot for the commoners. The carriage stop comes every hour and has several stops, so the town we'll be going to takes only an hour or so." Lillian expertly said.

"I guess it looks like a sound plan, but I'm still a bit worried about how I'll distract the knights…" Nina hummed.

"We'll distract the guards by staying at the boutique! Men aren't allowed to enter and there's a secret backdoor! It's not uncommon for noble ladies to spend hours in there."

" really do have a solid plan. Okay, so when is the D-day? I don't think it can be now because it's a bit too fast."

"The D-day will be in two months time when the Duke leaves for the mission. For now, the Duke has just met with the heroine along with the other side characters and getting to know each other about the major villain."

"For now Nina, you'll just have to act yourself and accompany me! And maybe steal some two sets of men's clothing…"

"Okay, done! Well, let's get ready for D-day then." Nina agreed.


The next couple days passed without much fanfare, and slowly Nina was getting used to her new life. There were some moments where she missed her family back home but she quickly shook those thoughts away. There was no use crying over spilled milk after all.

The one thing that Nina loved about her new life was the endless gardens on the estate. There was a large greenhouse filled with various plants and flowers and even a two metre fountain. Outside, there was a brilliant hedge maze and rows upon rows of different coloured roses. She felt like she could spend her whole life just living amongst the gardens.

"Well, if me and Lillian escape, I can spend my time just gardening and farming." Nina thought to herself.

As Nina accompanied Lillian to breakfast, she saw the Duke at his seat, silently eating. For the past week, the Duke had been eating breakfast with his wife, Lillian, which increased the already upbeat atmosphere at the estate. Nina was surprised as the Duke suddenly began to talk.

"You'll be visiting town today?"

"Yes! I need to visit some boutiques and shops. The tea party is this weekend as you can tell." Lillian happily replied.

"Okay. Bring Darell with you."

"I told you, I don't need a knight, I can take care of myself," Lillian said, pouting.

"You are a Kinstone, it's necessary. But I understand that it is hard. Darell will not disturb you." The Duke placed his hand on top of Lillian's in a comforting manner.

"If you say so." Lillian reluctantly agreed.

The Duke excused himself early for breakfast, citing an important meeting, as Lillian was left with the maid trio

"Young Miss, the Duke held your hand! He finally understands your affection!" Betty exclaimed.

"Yes, Miss." Holly quietly agreed, nodding her head.

"Nonsense! He is just being kind. I told you my feelings for him are pure friendship now. You're both overreacting, right Nina?" Lillian answered.

"Young Miss, the Duke holding your hand is a gesture of affection... but it can be interpreted as kindness. Whatever it is, he has a close relationship with you." Nina replied.

"But-" Betty interjected before being hushed by Nina ruffling her hair.

"We do as the Young Miss says. Now, let's get her ready for town."


For the day's outing, Lillian was dressed in a splendid red gown adorned with red jewels and gold detailing. With her soft hair pinned back and wearing white lace gloves, Nina guided her to the carriage awaiting them.

"Young Miss, if you may." A young knight carefully placed his hand. 'So this must be Darell,' Nina thought.

The young knight had dark brown hair cut in a short military style, wearing silver armour and a sword slung on his hip. On his chest was the Kinstone family crest, a blue and black shield with a large raven. As Darell helped the two girls onto the carriage, Nina gasped at the interior.

"It's real nice right~?" Lillian giggled.

Nina quickly nodded her head. Inside the carriage, the seat and walls were decked in a soft maroon velvet and there was even a mini chandelier hanging from the ceiling.

"This is so fancy." Nina gasped, carefully touching the velvet, afraid she might ruin the luxurious material.

"Trust me, the town is even more exciting."

As Nina glanced out the windows, the scenery quickly changed from the estate to the bustly town. Tall brick buildings, quaint signs and people dressed in high-end clothing surrounded the streets. Although Nina had recalled these scenes in the original's memories, she felt like it was the first time seeing such a place. Shortly, the carriage came to a stop in front of a baby blue building with the sign, 'El Saloon'.

"Madam, we have arrived," Darrell called out.