11.The Fallen Ring

After two years

It was prisoners day, made just to felicitate, the prisoners for working hard in mines, and jails. Elena still had no child but wanted one. But some part of her heart kept on telling her that she was not ready for this. "Queen Elena, please get ready, for prisoners day, you need to give them rings. " Coming nurse, I was just seeing at the sunrise, and thinking about this palace, once I heard from some workers that my father was a weak king and, never took right decisions. "Ya he was weak but loved you the most now be ready we need to start the event and give all the prisoners ring by noon. "

Elena completely forgot about Jane, but from that day she never smiled. She also lost her reason for love and cry. She just became a body without a soul. But this morning she smiled a bit when she saw the sunshine. She felt a bit different, today was a calm day for her not like rest days, where his husband was always rushing behind her, for having kids.

Slowly the sun started setting, and noon came. All the prisoners, came in line, Jane who was renamed Erik, was standing at the last, facing towards the church, thinking about his old day's when Elena couldn't stop her self from kissing him when he remembered this few tears rolled out of his eye. "Easy prisoner," it was a familiar feminine voice, it was Elena she picked up the last ring, and it slipped from her hand. "Ops sorry, let me pick it. " When she bent down she found something shining under the dust. She picked it up and dusted it she saw deeper, into it, and saw how happy was she, and how her marriage broke.

"Jane, my love! "Elena, you remembered me, and then she closed her eyes and kissed Jane, in front of the whole kingdom. " Elena what are you doing I am your husband, "but Elena couldn't hear him, she was fallen in deep love with Jane. King pulled out his dagger and stabbed it in Jane, but something green started shinning, at the tip of the dagger, everyone was shocked to see it. Even Elena, couldn't believe her eyes, they started expanding and clouds started roaring, and then pink petals started falling, it was mother nature.

"Mother nature you saved my true love! " You are like my child, I couldn't see you in pain. You have proved that you are in true love with Jane. "What the hell are you doing here, it's none of your business, leave Elena to me. " Your real name, Ronald, always hungry for love. Have more than six wives including Elena, you have converted your palace into a prostitute. "Shut up! " You, we're so hungry for love, that you not even spared your stepmother. "She used to regret my ideas, every time I wanted freedom, what do you know about family, you are just a stupid nature! " Mind your words I have a daughter, and she has a loving husband, this world has no space for perverts like you.

"Thank you mother nature, you united us once again. " A mother always stays together with her pupils, let's get some blessings and make you both married.

"In the presence of mother nature, I declare Jane and Elena married. " On hearing this Elena grabbed, Jane's hand and pulled him with her, mother nature taunted her asking where are you taking her? "Mother, we have started many times, but always something or someone breaks it. So we decided to rush directly to the climax. " Mother nature laughed and blessed"They both should always be happy and joyful. "