Return and a mourning to keep

We did not approach the river as it was now more dangerous, but another group would see and inspect, we left calmly and returned to the wall, after giving the report and then go home to upload the photos, I arrived exhausted and hungry, Alejandro claimed me all the way that I was reckless and should be more careful.

When he asked me if I had practiced gymnastics before and said no, his face was totally angry, he agreed to make lunch to calm his anger and I uploaded the photos in the room where we had all the equipment.

I uploaded the photos with time, indicating that it was the X terrain and explaining the animals that had managed to see, their number and indicating whether they had offspring or not, after that I decided to help Alejandro until he told me

Alejandro: I thought about it, and I will train you.

Me: What? wait, don't hint ....

Alejandro: I know it will be dinosaurs and not people you will face, but you need to be agile, it's not only about having a good aim and that's it, you also need to be in good physical condition.

He explained to me that I shouldn't be like this just because of impulses, I was lucky that the Alphas were there and we partly disagreed on some things, but it wasn't that I should always depend on him.

I agreed without much complaint, I had hit right in the thorn *I don't want to depend on him*, after lunch and feeding Rayas and Gris, I decided to distract myself for a while and read my mail, my parents had answered with a video; I hurried to put the headphones and connect them and from there give play; in the video I saw everyone greeting me and thanking me that I was well and that I had calm to Alejandro, when they started talking about Hector I saw them doubt and dad with a firm but sad voice said

My father's voice: I'm sorry Karla, we got separated from him and luckily we were able to get off the boat, there were sharks and a megalodon hit the boat, it moved him a good distance away, and we saw how he tried to sink it -take a deep breath- but I don't think Hector is alive.

I heard but did not pay attention to the rest of the talk of my relatives, I went straight to my room and locked myself in, I could not think of anything, after crying I fell asleep and when I woke up I changed my clothes to a black shirt and gray exercise pants.

I saw that Alejandro was awake and asked me if I was hungry, I told him no and left the apartment to one upstairs where a girl had an almost complete exercise equipment, I connected everything and went to her room and while watching a series that she had recorded I started to exercise, I did not want to think about anything.