A cruel nurse

I didn't need to ask, if I saw him as a caricature his aura would be high flames, I decided to keep quiet and be practically mute, I think he was partly grateful for it.

Besides, how could I complain to him, it was my mistake to step on wet ground, besides he didn't get away with it either, because before putting the Leopard to sleep he took his scratch and that covered it up a bit quickly so as not to attract more predators.

They took us to different areas, Alejandro's crew friend named Tomas was the one who decided it, he knew he would destroy the infirmary of anger and I knew that too, or rather I sensed it.

They saw my leg and there was no sprain as such, but it was inflamed and swollen, the old technique of butter with salt to remove the bumps was holy remedy, also some pills as painkillers and not to force the leg too much and the one who should take care of me was Alejandro himself, my face of *this will get ugly* was more than evident and Tomas could only laugh.

We arrived quickly to the building, in the stairs I preferred to go up myself, Alejandro didn't even complain, it made me think that maybe he sensed that it was my way to apologize, I just made a mistake thinking about it. This is when I was really going to be sorry and at the same time I was going to show how angry I was and not with words but with deeds.

His humble and gentlemanly way that he would take care of me in everything would only be in words, he made a meal that smelled yummy, but.... what's wrong with letting your partner know your weak point, technically nothing but for me it would be a lot, he served me the food boiling hot, I couldn't eat very hot dishes, nothing with spicy, his rice with meat was not only hot but somewhat spicy.

It is true that I was hungry, but I could not eat it that hot, when I asked for water he gave it to me natural, at least there I would not have much problem, but to eat and drink it would take a while, I had to wait a while to be able to eat, when I wanted more water he gave it to me extra cold, almost taking a sip I feel my brain freeze, when we had dinner this time the food was cold, I decided to ignore that and eat fast, the glass of sugar water was water with salt.

I decided not to continue with that game and force myself to do everything, when I wanted to sleep I removed the curtain and left the window open, for a moment I decided to ignore it but my pride did not allow it, I looked for other curtains and placed them and closed the window completely.

Alejandro knew how to anticipate my movements, in the morning coffee with salt, I drank it furiously but when he wanted to serve me more after a while, he had put too much sugar to the point of being cloying, I got angry and went to another room, I calmed the very sweet taste with sips of cold water but without freezing, I prepared my lunch before time and I served myself water, but that nurse game had to end if or if.