Chapter 12

Please note that this book is not just edited, and sorry for any spellings mistakes and grammar mistakes thanks.


Um! Doc for the past two days they refuse to eat anything i give them, they only feed on the breast milk. Okay let see what's the problem, can you please sit them down on the bed there the doctor said.

He examined them, by checking their mouth and tongue. I'm done you can put them down, do you still breastfeed them. Yes Doc, good. It nothing serious, is normal for every child.

A times they loss the appetite to eat, they don't feel like eating. It normal, so it make them feed only on the breast milk. It good that you are still breastfeeding them, they will eat when they feel like eating.

You can also change the food they eat and try giving them different food, and also try and give them lot of fruit and vegetables. Okay Doc thanks so much, i was very worried.

It okay they are fine, the doctor was writing something on the paper when the door open Doctor Jeff. I turned around "Dante", Elle, what are you doing here he asked.

Dante do you know her, doc asked. Yes Jeff the twins are Lucas's children, " what wait! wait! what do you mean Lucas's children." Yes Jeff they are Lucas's children, do you remember what i told you last time "Yes! Yes!.

Oh my God, there are so beautiful the doctor said.


I was surprise to see Elle and the children at Jeff office, immediately i picked Dorcas up. She giggle smiling looking at my face, you remember me princess. She shyly buried her face at the crook of my neck.

I hug her tight, gosh i miss you guys. Maya stretch her arms for me and i picked her up also, so you two remember your uncle huh!. Long time Elle, yes long time Dante. I'm sorry i did not visit you people.

I was out of the country for one week, I'm sorry. It okay Dante, um nice meeting you Elle, Jeff said. Nice meeting you too, Lucas is my best friend, she nod her head. Nice children you got there, thanks Jeff. I hope you don't mine me calling you Jeff.

I'm okay with that Elle, okay Jeff we will talk later. I walk Elle and the children out of Jeff office to my office. Please sit down, what are you people doing here. They got off me and went and sat down on the floor playing with plastic containers.

What wrong with them, they were not eating well, so what did Jeff say. He said it normal in children, good to hear that. We were talking when we notice the kids were quite standing there looking at the front door.

Then Maya said "mama!," Da...da. I was shocked so is Elle, they run towards outside. Elle and i stood there starring at each other, we stood up quickly and followed them out, to our surprise.

Lucas was walking towards my office, Elle and i stood there speechless. "Oh my God they recognized him Elle said, they run to his opened arms and he picked them up, that was so cute.

"What are you people doing here, he walked inside my office. They are sick i said, "what! but they were alright yesterday Lucas said. Why did you not tell me Elle, must i always tell you what i do with my children Elle said.

" For God sake Elle they are my children too don't forget that, so i have every right to know what going on in their health life. Why are you always pushing me from my children, Lucas said, I'm not pushing them always from you Lucas.

Please both of you calm down, the kids are watching you. Jeff checked them, no worries Lucas they are fine. He nodded his head looking at his children. Man it surprise me that they recognized you.

They stood up quickly running towards you, i was surprise to Dante. Do you know they called you Dada, "WHAT! Yes! Lucas they called you Dada before running to you, they alert us that you are here.

But we want to be sure first, i was shocked when i saw you walking towards us. I think they are starting to love you, i hope so man. Because what Elle is doing is hurting me very much Dante, calm down man.

It not easy for her Lucas, i know man. But she is not fair to me, i tap his shoulder. They are sleeping we need to go Elle said, i will drop you people home Lucas said. "No thanks i know my way home Elle said.

She stood up, wait Elle let him drop you home. It okay Dante i can handle them, i have their stroller here i will carry them in. Elle please listing to me, " Dante i will take my leave he went and kiss the forehead of his children.

I know Lucas, he is pissed right now. "Lucas please wait, " Lucas!! I'm going to see Jeff he said and storm out. "Wait! Elle! to hell with him Dante.

And by the way i start to rub the back of my head, what it is Dante. Um! how is Jessica your friend, she is fine why do you asked. It okay, help me with the stroller Elle said.

" What Elle!" you needed help and you rejected Lucas help. Elle you must know he has every right over the children, i know that Dante. But a times he is too bossy.

Oh really, then get ready. You will see more of it. I laugh at her, but he is very kind and caring. If you get to know him you will really like him very much.

Let me get you and the children downstairs. "God what do you feed them with, nothing much Dante. Um! Dante, please tell Lucas that I'm sorry. I did not mean what i said.

Girl tell him yourself, he will hear you out. There is no harm in trying Elle, okay when i get home i will try and call him. Don't try, just call him Elle.