Irina!! Yes miss Eva, is Lucas back jet? "No Miss Eva, okay. Have you finished cleaning all the rooms? Yes, change the sheets too. We've done is already, good! Were is Pat? She is in the laundry room.
Miss Eva don't worry we have down everything according to your worlds. Then Lucas walked in, hi Eva, hi son. Are you alright son, he just nod his head.
I know him well since birth, he is not telling me the truth. I walked to him and hold his two hands facing him, look at me Lucas. Tell me what wrong? Come let sit down, he told me everything.
Now listing to me Lucas, I'm a mother and i know what I'm talking about son, she has been with the children for a whole 1 year. Then someone from nowhere claiming he is the father of her children.
It not easy for her to except it, give her time she will change okay. I know Eva but she hate me so much, she does not hate you son. You are the father of her children Lucas, she has even given you the privilege to been with your children.
Not all Women out there will do such a thing, she is a good girl. Okay why don't you invites her and the children over this weekend, I
want to meet the twins. He smile wide, you will love them Eva "Really then i can't wait to meet them.
I will call Elle and asked her, okay son. Do you want anything, no Eva i'm okay. Then let me know when you call her okay, thanks Eva. You welcome Lucas, goodnight.
I hope Lucas and Elle will solve their difference, i don't know why they hate each other so much. So i hard a planned, i called Eva and told her everything. What happen here in the hospital today.
So she suggests that he will tell Lucas to invites Elle and the children over, she will also pretend she does not know anything that happen here.
We want them to come to term's because of the children sake, i understand both of them very well, they all worried about their children. I'm even impressed of Lucas behavior.
He love his children so much, who thought Lucas will be a father in a shot given time, i can't believe it myself.
God who is this Eva who want to meet my children, i hope she is good with my children. I fold their dresses inside the suitcase, i checked inside the suitcase if everything is in there.
Gosh! i almost forget their diapers bag, i went for it. I also placed their car seat in front of the hall. I know Lucas does not have some in his car, i need to tell him to buy one for his car.
Then i heard the doorbell, it must be Jessica. Yes I'm going with Jessica, since i told her she has been asking if Dante will be there. I told her i don't know, hi Elle, hi Jessica she placed her bag down on the sofa.
Where are the twins, they are sleeping in their room. They have not waking up jet Jessica asked, no! Woah what happen. They slept late yesterday talking to their Father.
"What! has it gotten to that, i was trying to call Lucas to apologized to him. Then what happen tell me, i told her everything. " You are kidding right Elle, I'm not Jess. They start calling his name Dada! on the phone.
It was amazing Jess, they were making baby talk noise on the phone. I was surprise, how did they know how to talk on phone Jessica asked. I don't know maybe they watched me when i talk on phone.
Lucas was just laughing on the phone, all you heard them saying is Yes and No. You know what, they are smart for their age Jess said i chuckling and left to the kitchen. I stood at the kitchen quietly forgotten i was doing something.
I felt someone touching my shoulder, What wrong Elle? You know Lucas said Eva want to meet the kids, i was wondering who is this Eva. Did you asked Lucas who she is, no. I'm thinking maybe she is her Fiancé or girlfriend.
I don't want my children to block their relationship, i want then to be happy in their relationship. I'm also wondering why will Lucas invites us to his mansion Jess said, we have to get there and see who Eva is.
Um.. Elle, Eric is worried about you, he want to know if you will come back or not. Oh yeah! it been 3 months now since i went to the club, i will call him later.
Have you packed everything Jess asked, "yes I'm done. I have taking my bath already, so when they wake up i will just bath them. Jess please help me with this.
Pour the apple juice inside their bottles, okay where is the bottles. It inside their lunch bag in the kitchen. I'm going to check if they are awake, i went upstairs.
Opened the door " Hello! my Angels, they stood inside their crib jumping up and down happily, "mama!" "mama! Lol really i cooed them.
Are you girls ready to spend the weekend with your Dada!. " Dada! Da....da they said jumping. OK let go and take your bath Dada will be here in a minute. I was bathing them when i head Jessica talking on the phone.
She walked towards us, "Elle" she yelled my name. I'm here Jess, in the bathroom, can i help you with something Elle. Sure help me with Dorcas, hold her first.
She is smart so be careful, if not she will slip from your hands. I wash Maya first, cleaning her body nicely. When I'm done, I gave Maya to her. Please dry her body up for me, their diapers is no the table. Then i heard my phone ringing, Jessica please can you get my phone, it must be Lucas calling.