chapter 37: fighting swords

sinking and walking slowly along the mountain path, thinking about how to replenish the vitality of the body and increase the lifespan.

According to Feng Yang Zhenren, and his own inference. One is to take a pill similar to Baoyuan Pill that can replenish the vitality of the body. Of course, it must be a pill that has a better effect than Baoyuan Pill. The second method is to repair the "Xiaohua Yanggong" as soon as possible to reach completion. Then practice more advanced techniques.

These two things should be in the Chunqiu Guan, but just to become a named disciple of Guanzhong, Shen Luo spent a lot of gold and silver in the Shen family. It is estimated that a better pill can not be simply exchanged for a small amount of gold and silver. . As for the cultivation of "Xiao Hua Yang Gong" to perfection, he would never be able to achieve it within two years with his qualifications.

Shen Luo thought about a feasible way, and came to the back mountain unknowingly.

There are many deep forests in the mountains behind, and the eyes are full of verdant green. The sound of insects and birds near his ears can be far and near, making his tight heartstring loose a little bit.

At this moment, a low roar came from a dense forest in front, and it sounded like the sound of swords colliding.

Shen stopped and listened. After a while, there was another roar, accompanied by a sharp scream.

"what happened?"

He was surprised, the back mountain is inaccessible here, how can there be such a voice, is it because someone can't fight here?

He groaned slightly, approached there lightly, and soon came to the source of the sound.

"this is"

Shen Luo's pupils shrank, and he subconsciously turned sideways, hiding himself behind a big tree.

There are two figures standing in the dense forest in front of them, it is Bai Xiaotian and Ding Hua.

The two are about five or six feet apart, and they are not moving. Between them, two red sword shadows a few feet long intertwined and stab each other in mid-air. Yao's correction is like a dragon and a snake tumbling, sending out a series of clanging collisions. sound.

The surrounding dense forest trees fell and broke, and a mess was cleared out. A large area was cleared. Wherever the two sword shadows passed, whether it was a thick tree or a forest rock, it was cut in two, and the cut was scorched. The traces seem to have been burned by fire.

"Flying sword!" Shen Luo's eyes lit up.

Although the two red sword shadows move in and move forward, they are much slower than the flying swords of the two immortal masters who came to the county in the middle of the dream, but the fierce sword aura is similar, definitely flying swords.

The two flying swords are wrapped in red light, and only some shapes can be seen vaguely. The body of Bai Xiaotian's flying sword is like a copper coin sword formed by series of copper coins. It has a strange shape. lightning.

I saw a flash of sword light, the copper coin sword moves in a chain, condensing into a dense sword net, trapping Ding Hua's flying sword in it.

Ding Huas flying sword is just a seemingly ordinary wooden sword. It is extremely light and erratic. Although trapped in the sword net of the copper coin sword, it keeps dripping and does not fall in the wind, and it is also a poisonous snake from time to time. Launched an offensive like a letter, wanting to tear the sword net, but unfortunately they were blocked back.

After a long time, the red light on Ding Hua's wooden sword was gradually suppressed, and the movement was not as agile as it was at the beginning.

Ding Hua looked solemn, and tried his best to urge the flying sword, but it was still difficult to recover the disadvantage.

"It seems that Brother Bai is even better." Shen Luo secretly said in the distance, stepped forward a little closer, and hid behind another big tree.

This was the first time that he had the opportunity to watch people and fight swords at such close range. The opportunity was rare, and he didn't want to miss it.

"Senior Brother Ding, your Qingtuo Li wooden sword has just been trained. If you continue to fight, it may be damaged. Come here today?" Bai Xiaotian suppressed the wooden sword, but did not continue to press on. Instead, he called to stop.

Ding Hua heard this, a trace of irritation flashed in his eyes, but did not stop, suddenly he drew a low voice, pinched both hands to form a tactic, forming a sword finger, and came out a little in the air.

His fingertips flashed red, and a strange blood glow appeared on his cheeks.

The red light on the wooden sword in the sword net was prosperous, as if taking a big tonic, the original sword light suddenly increased by several feet, and it turned into a red giant sword with a length of ten feet. hack.

With a "chih", the sword net made by the copper coin sword was forcibly cut through a hole.

The wooden sword flew out from it, without stopping, with a "swish", it turned into a red sword shadow, and went straight to the door of Bai Xiaotian.

Bai Xiaotian's complexion changed slightly. It was a taboo to get close by the opponent's flying sword during a sword fight, and he hurriedly made a single-handed move.

The copper coin flying sword sword light was also flourishing, and it shot backwards in a swift manner. In the blink of an eye, he caught up with the wooden sword, and the sword was wrapped around the wooden sword again.

But at this moment, with a loud bang, the red light on the wooden sword suddenly shattered and turned into dozens of tiny sword lights, turning the direction and hitting the coin sword.

Just listening to a series of crisp sounds of "Kengkengkeng", the copper coin flying sword was knocked out and turned a few somersaults in midair. It seemed that there was nothing serious about it.

Ding Hua frowned when he saw this scene, urged the wooden sword to catch up like a meteor and the moon again, intending to defeat the opponent in one effort.

But at this moment, the tumbling copper coin sword was suddenly certain, turning around in the air, picking it up on the wooden sword that was chasing after him.

This challenge was so wonderful that it happened to be the weakest place in the middle of the wooden sword.

"Zheng" the sword sounded, the scarlet sword light on the 

wooden sword was mostly scattered, and it was picked up and flew a few feet away.

Ding Hua's face changed color, and the mana in the body was continuously activated before he stabilized the sword.

After a moment of uncertainty on his face, he immediately raised his hand, and the wooden sword flew back and fell into his hand without attacking.

Bai Xiaotian saw the other party stop, and took the copper coin flying sword.

"Junior Brother Bais sword technique, Ding has been taught, goodbye!" Ding Hua said with his hand, and turned to leave.

took a few steps, he glanced at the side of his gaze, glanced at the invisible place, and snorted, but he kept walking and quickly disappeared into the distance.

"Junior Brother Shen, come out." Bai Xiaotian watched Ding Hua leave, and said straightforwardly.

"Brother Bai, the ears of your souls have been noticed by you so far." Shen Luo walked out from behind the tree in the distance and said with a smile.

"I said you didn't stay in your room, why did you come here?" Bai Xiaotian frowned when he saw Shen Luo walking towards him.

"Something went wrong in my practice. I wanted to relax, but I didn't expect to meet you and compete here."

"You didn't just get started with Xiao Hua Yang Gong before, how could something go wrong?" Bai Xiaotian was a little surprised.

"Even you think that even if you have poor aptitude, there shouldn't be any problems with the cultivation of Xiaohua Yang Gong."

"Oh, I didn't mean that...Forget it, walk with me on the back mountain." Bai Xiaotian saw that Shen Luo was in a bad mood, and suddenly said after raising his head to look at the sky.

Shen Luo would naturally not refuse, and immediately nodded.

The two walked side by side toward the depths of the woods, through a low bush, and came to a path hidden in the grass.