chapter 48: treasure hunting

Shen Luo shook his head, put aside his thoughts, got up and went to the door to ask for a meal.

After a while, the little third son came in holding a tray with a meal of two meats and two vegetarian dishes.

Chen Luo was already hungry, and immediately feasted, and quickly swept away the food.

The third son waited for Shen Luo to finish eating, cleaned up the dishes, and was about to leave, but was stopped by Shen Luo:

"Wait, brother, are you a native of Songfan County? Are you familiar with the situation in the city?"

"The villain is from Xujiaji nearby, but I often go shopping in the city, and I am fairly familiar with the situation in the city, son, do you have something to order?" the little third son asked respectfully.

"Then do you know where in the county seat can I buy yellow talisman paper and cinnabar?" Shen Luo asked.

"Yellow talisman paper and cinnabar? We have these two things in our store." The third child thought for a while and said.

"These two are not commonly used on weekdays, do they really exist in the store?" Shen Luo asked in disbelief.

"It's also a coincidence. Last month, my shopkeeper invited a mage to open the altar in the store to pray for blessings and fortune. There is a lot of talisman paper cinnabar left in the backyard. If the son needs it, I will ask the shopkeeper for some? "The little third son laughed.

"This will trouble you." Shen Luo said, taking out a small piece of broken silver to reward him.

"Thank you, son, do you have other needs besides talisman paper cinnabar? The villain will find it for you." The little third is overjoyed. This small piece of silver is two or three and two, which is worth his three or four months. It's paid.

"Don't you say I almost forgot, can I find some fresh black dog blood, and a set of pen, ink, paper and inkstone. Um, tung oil, get me some more tung oil." Shen Luo said after hesitating slightly.

"There is a slaughterhouse in town. Dog blood is easy to get. There are tung oil sold in the nearby grocery store, and there are also ready-made ones in the pen, ink, paper and inkstone store. The son will wait a moment, I will help you fetch it." The little third son said. Leave in a hurry.

After half an hour, he ran back, holding another tray in his hand with the sinking object on it.

Shen Luo checked it, and after confirming that it was correct, he waved back the little third son, and immediately began to try to draw the little thunder talisman with the "treasure hunt" ability.

He picked up the pen to fill up the talisman, but did not start drawing the talisman right away, but showed a pensive expression on his face.

Although he has mastered the painting method of the small thunder talisman, the small thunder talisman that found the jade pillow was painted in a muddle, and now it is not easy to make another one.

He tried his best to recall the situation when he painted the treasure hunting little thunder talisman, but many days have passed, and many things have happened during this period. He searched his stomach and only barely recalled 30 to 40%.

Shen Luo recalled these 30-40% memories several times, but still started to try.

In addition to the part he remembered, he tried his best to imitate the previous painting methods in other places.

After an unknown period of time, a thick pile of "little thunder symbols" appeared on the table in front of Shen Luo.

"There are so many, it should be almost the same, there should always be one that works." Shen Luo murmured.

He then began to soak the treasure hunting charms in tung oil, and the fuluo was quickly soaked in tung oil.

dropped the talisman one by one, wiped the oil stains on the surface, and carefully baked it with a lamp flame to make sheets of oil-paper talisman.

He put one of the oil talisman jugs into a basin full of clear water. The oil talisman jug did not get wet or softened, and the runes on it were as bright as before.

Tomorrow is going to hunt treasure in the river. In order to prevent the talisman from being destroyed by water, Shen Luo thought of this method.

When he was at home, he once saw Jia Ding use tung oil to make oil paper for waterproofing.

He took out the three small thunder symbols from his body and processed them in the same way.

After doing this, I was very tired and fell asleep.

When woke up, the sky was already bright outside, and the sunlight shot into the room through the window, as if a gold thread had been cut.

Shen Luo got up and pushed open the window. The sky was blue and quiet like a bright mirror, occasionally dotted with a few fine and white clouds. Obviously today will be a good day.

He quickly finished washing up, but did not go on the road right away. Instead, he took his pen and ink and wrote a letter at his desk.

A few days ago, he received a letter from his family at Chunqiu Guan, but he has been troubled by various things recently and forgot to write a reply. He only remembered Liu Baichuan yesterday when he met Liu Baichuan.

My father sees the letter like a meeting:

The child observes that everything is okay in the Spring and Autumn Period. practice is also quite smooth, and his physique has improved greatly, and he is no longer as weak as before.

I dont know how good at home is? Erniang, second brother, how is the younger sister?

The last time my father mentioned the plague in Niuyue Town in the west of the city, it was a disease of pulmonary fever. In the past few days, the child carefully studied and combined the ancient lotus flower clearing soup, and figured out a recipe, using lotus, ephedra, and almonds. Patchouli, Rhodiola, peppermint, and licorice are used as medicine. When there is a relief effect, the specific dosage will be stated at the end of the letter.

Shen Luo immediately wrote about his observations in the Spring and Autumn Period, without mentioning his current condition, so that his family members would not worry.

At this point, he stopped writing and wrote the formula of "Lotus Flower Clearing Decoction" in detail, dried the ink, and collected the letter.

sinking into treasure hunting eagerly, after doing this, he got up and went to the lobby of the inn.

"Master Shen, are you on the road so early?" The shopkeeper surnamed Hou saw Shen coming with his baggage on his back, and immediately greeted him enthusiastically.

"Treasurer Hou, this is the room money from yesterday, as well as Doctor Liu's consultation fee. I was in a hurry yesterday. I forgot about it and asked the shopkeeper to pass it on for me." Shen Luo said, taking out two pieces of silver and putting them in On the counter.

"It's just for one night, it doesn't take so much." The shopkeeper surnamed Hou waved his hand again and again.

"I had an illness yesterday. Thanks to the help of the shopkeeper, I was able to turn the crisis into peace in time. The excess can be regarded as a thank you." Shen Luo arched his hands and walked outside without waiting for the shopkeeper surnamed Hou to say anything.

The shopkeeper surnamed Hou raised his hand, as if he wanted to say something, but when he saw Shen Luo's slightly anxious face, he swallowed the words back.

Outside the inn, the little third son has brought the horse over, sinks and turned on the horse, urging the horse to leave quickly