Chapter 53: 1 jump 1 foot high

Shen Luo hurriedly straightened up from the water, swept around, then probed into the ship and looked around for a while, then slowly immersed his body in the water, his complexion a little gloomy.

It seems that he accidentally got into trouble, he released something that shouldn't be released.

Shen Luo frowned, raised his hand and gently stroked the tooth mark on his right shoulder, and found that there was no pain at all, and the skin there was not ruptured and bleeding, as if the tooth mark was painted on.

But he clearly remembered that before he fell into a coma, his right shoulder was indeed bitten by the skeleton of the ghost head, and he even remembered the ice cold when his teeth touched his skin.

After pondering for a moment, he picked up some river water and sprinkled it on the tooth print, rubbing it with some strength, but the result was only rubbing the surrounding skin a little red, and there was no other change.

The dark red color on the tooth print seems to be caused by blood stasis, and I don't know if it can be eliminated after a while.

Shen Luo left and thought about it for a long time, but couldn't think of the clues, so I had to give up temporarily.

He waited until the hot feeling on his body gradually faded away. He grabbed the edge of the stern with both hands, and his arms slammed into force, trying to use his strength to climb the boat again.

Who would have imagined that as soon as he exerted force, the entire stern seemed to be hit by a boulder, and it sank suddenly and was directly buried under the water, while the bow and half of the ship's hull was raised high. Pointed to the sky.

Inside the cabin, there was a jingle, and all kinds of things inside slipped backwards.

Fortunately, his eyes fell quickly and his hands were quick, and he hurriedly lifted the stern that he had depressed, and the bow of the bow fell into the water again, causing the surface of the water to splash and fluctuate.

"How is this going?"

Shen Luo gently supported the swaying hull of the ship, and looked straight at his hands, with an expression of disbelief in his eyes.

Immediately afterwards, he turned around, faced the turbulent river surface on the other side, raised a palm, gave it a little strength, and slammed it out towards the surface of the water.

I only heard a dull sound on the surface of the river. The river immediately seemed to hit a huge boulder of hundreds of kilograms. The water was surging, and the waves swelled up. It turned out to be a wave of tens of thousands of meters high against the current.

The waves of water jumped straight out for a few feet before they weakened and fell back into the river. There was a deep whirlpool where he hit, and it disappeared gradually after a few breaths.

"How did my strength... become so great?" Shen Luo stared at his palm, still feeling incredible.

He walked around the hull and climbed up the rocky beach. He saw that the cable used to fix the hull in the bow had been broken by the moment the bow was pressed. In order to prevent the boat from being washed away, he again He quickly tied it up again.

Shen Luo turned around, looked left and right on the rocky beach for a while, and saw a head-sized rock on the ground with a fairly flat surface, so he squatted down beside it.

I saw him stretch out his palm, made gestures on the stone, and suddenly made a soft drink in his mouth, and then slapped it with a palm.

There is a crisp sound!

He frowned, his palm was a bit painful, and he immediately took it back.

He lowered his head and glanced at the stone, the floating dust on it was patted off by a layer, leaving a clear slap mark, but the stone itself remained unchanged.

Shen Luo rubbed his palms and stood up slowly, with an embarrassing smile on his face.


But when he was about to turn around and return to the boat, there was a slight noise suddenly coming from his feet.

He frowned slightly, leaned down and touched the stone with his hand. On the seemingly intact stone, cobweb-like cracks appeared, and it was directly broken into slag.

Sinking eyes suddenly brightened, twisting the gravel on the ground, gently rubbing, the corners of his mouth hooked up uncontrollably.

When he entered the Spring and Autumn Festival at the beginning of the year, Tian Tiesheng once exposed a "green sun hand" in front of him. The scene of his palm slapped on the stone table has always been a vivid memory for him. His current strength is definitely not under that.

"What the **** is going on? What happened when I passed out in a coma?" Shen Luo became a little confused.

"Could it be that"

In his sinking mind, there was a guess that he had never even dared to think about before.

In order to verify this guess, he quickly sat down cross-legged with his hands in front of him, embracing Yuan, silently reciting the Xiaohua Yang Gong formula in his heart, and the power of Yang Gang in his body was also mobilized and started running on its own.

The moment he saw his power, the red light between his hands immediately skyrocketed, and three-inch-long solid red filaments emerged from them, densely twisted and twisted, like a dragon shuttled, forming a huge ball.

The red sphere exudes bursts of warmth, even some scorching breath, just a few breaths, the sinking body is evaporated and the clothes are dried by heat.

After a few dozen breaths, Shen Luo took a deep breath, and the red silk in his embrace rushed back, directly submerged in his mouth and nose, making his entire face flushed Wait until the face When the red light disappeared, Shen Luo lowered his arms and slowly opened his eyes.

There was an unquenchable smile at the corner of his mouth, and his figure was suddenly vertical, and he jumped to a height of one foot. When he landed, he stepped on a pebble and made a muffled sound.

"Full of strength, light muscles and bones, the yang qi is condensed like a red sun, and the introverted qi will reflect the red glow, which is the shape of perfection." Shen Luo clenched his hands and muttered in "Xiao Hua Yang Gong". Content.

All the changes in his body at this moment all prove one thing, his Xiao Huayang Gong has actually been completed!

"Consummation, consummation... Haha, consummation!" He couldn't help but jumped up again and shouted.

However, as soon as he moved, he felt that all the meridians all over his body began to ache again.

This pain made him suppress his excitement, and he began to lower his head to think about why he would suddenly go from a state where he had just started Xiaohua Yang Gong and he suddenly improved to Consummation.

"Is it because of that ghost head phantom?" Shen Luo subconsciously glanced at the tooth print on his shoulder.

It was after he was bitten by that ghost head that he fainted. After waking up, he became the way he is now. This is the most likely reason he can think of.

It's just why this is so, but I don't have a clue at all.

However, in any case, this Xiaohua Yanggong Consummation is a great thing.

According to Feng Yang Zhenren's inference, this means that he has a few more years to live.

As long as he can obtain the qualification to practice "Pure Sun Sword Art" or learn something from "The Unknown Book of Heaven" during this period, he is likely to extend his life again, and there is even hope that he will truly embark on the path of immortality!