Bali (2)

Drtt…. Drtt ... Drtt ...

"Ah, who the fck is calling me, so annoying," thought Carolina annoyed. Currently she is enjoying the food that the delivery driver had just brought while continuing to watch the anime.

[Video Call from Andrew]

"What the heck is suddenly asking to make a video call," Carolina thought. Se immediately picked it up but did not activate the camera. Immediately on the screen Andrew's face immediately appeared.

"Hello Carol," said Andrew, smiling and waving his hand.

"Hello, what's wrong?" asked Carolina.

"Where is your face? Why i cant see it?" Andrew asked when he saw only his face on his cell phone screen.

"I just can't video call at this moment, what's wrong?" asked Carolina again.

"Ohh ... i want to see your face, thought," Andrew muttered softly but Carolina could still hear him. After taking Carolina home at that time, suddenly Andrew began to change his tone to speak when he sent a message or called her. Carolina was just silent even though she heard that.

"Do you remember that I invited you to my birthday party?" asked Andrew. Carolina was silent for a moment, as if trying to remember.

"Yes, why?" asked Carolina.

"It is tomorrow. So you come, right? Because now i want to order the ticket,"

"I'll tell you in a message. I'm really sorry, I have an urgent matter," said Carolina, who immediately turned off the phone.

Carolina then went back to eating and watching the anime. Right now the anime is having an exciting scene and Carolina is no longer focused on her conversation with Andrew. She prefers to be in a state of focus when talking, so she feels more respect for the other person.

"Yui," called Carolina when the anime was over.

"Yes, mama," Yui replied shortly afterward.

"Tomorrow, mama won't come home all day and mama gonna return the next day, don't attract unnecessary attention, OK!" said Carolina warning, the incident a few days ago when Yui almost told their location made Carolina a little worried.

"Fine, mama,"

"Good, good girl," replied Carolina and then sent her the data she needed to order a plane ticket to Andrew. She had decided to come along as the last stage of a gift for herself. Soon she will be busy with her side job and her duties as a student. So it doesn't matter if the holiday is added as a gift for herself, right?

"Eh, Dion called earlier, what's wrong?" Carolina thought when she realized that Dion was calling her at the same time Andrew had called her.

"Just let it go, maybe they were at the same place," Carolina decided not to call back Dion, that man also didn't reply to her message earlier and just called her. If it was something important, that man would contact her once again.

A few moments later, Andrew sent a message that tomorrow at 10 am he would pick her up because their flight was at 12 noon. Carolina immediately agreed because at least she would save money on transportation to get to the airport.


Drtt ... Drtt ... Drtt ...

"Hello, Carol, I'm already in front," said Andrew when the phone was picked up. Carolina sensed something was off, but because she was in a hurry, she didn't think much of it.

"Yes, yes, I'm gonna come out in few minutes," said Carolina, who then immediately turned off the phone.

"Yui, remember mama's message, right?!" said Carolina before leaving her room.

"Yes, mama, Yui will be a sweet child. Have fun, mama! " Yui replied.

Carolina took another breath. She was really worried that Yui might act up again.

Actually, she had been planning to replace her cell phone which was completely outdated but still usable for a long time. The cell phone has been used by her since high school and Yui's access control cannot be opened via her cell phone.

When she thought that she would immediately gossip to become some old man's sugar baby or even be accused of selling herself when she bought the latest cell phone, she immediately threw that desire far away.

Her classmates already know that she comes from a middle to lower class family and she is currently able to study at a well-known university with tuition fees of up to 2 digits due to relying on her scholarship.

She could have actually bought a middle-class cell phone that could access Yui's controls, but she chose to wait a year later when she graduated from college and bought a high-spec cell phone.

"Sorry for taking a long time," said Carolina when she approached Andrew who greeted her from the front seat of the car.

"Hi Vera," said Carolina when she opened the back door of the car and found Vera there too. Vera just nodded and returned to busy with her cellphone.

"Where are we next?" asked the driver who drove the car.

"We just go straight to the airport, sir!" Andrew replied.

"Ndre, Rara and Riko said they were already on the road," said Vera suddenly.

"Oh yeah, Dion as well as he said he's already on the road," replied Andrew who occasionally glanced at Carolina.

"By the way, happy birthday!" said Vera.

"Happy birthday," said Carolina too.

"Yes, thank you guys,"

"By the way, the place will be near the beach or not Ndre? I haven't been to Bali yet," said Vera, who looked enthusiastic.

"Yeah, we can stop by the beach to watch the sunset, Carol, have you been to Bali?" Andrew asked, turning around looking at Carolina who was sitting right behind him, while Vera sat behind the driver.

"Not yet, I've only seen the sun set several times, because my home is near the beach," said Carolina.

"In the village, huh?" asked Vera.

"Yes, in the city center it is near the sea but there is no beach, Vera, so my home is in the village," replied Carolina with a smile. Vera just sneered and then returned to busy with her cell phone.

"I see, maybe sometime we can vacation at your place, Carol," said Andrew. However, Vera and Carol realized something was different from what Andrew said.

"I rarely go out, though. So I don't know which good tourist spots are in Manado," said Carolina honestly. During high school and when she came home during college holidays, she rarely went out or traveled. So she doesn't really know a good place in her hometown.

"Oh I see, we can search it on the internet and you can be the guide," said Andrew then started browsing on the internet.

Hearing that, Vera looked at Andrew then looked at Carolina. Carolina who felt Vera's gaze stared back at her.

"Why?" said Carolina silently.

Vera was silent then looked back at the cell phone screen.

"Suspicious, have they been together, huh?" Vera thought, sensing something fishy between Andrew and Carolina.

Meanwhile, Carolina is also busy staring back at her cell phone screen. She was used to Vera's cold and snippy attitude so she didn't really bother. Even though she was a little curious why that woman treated her like that.


"Noona, is this really okay?" Ethan asked. At this time he and Mi Sun were in a car heading towards the airport.

"Alright, take it easy. but you have to come back Monday, okay? You have a shoot on Tuesday. Ah, seriously, why don't you dye your hair first? It is so bright red!" said Mi Sun who noticed Ethan's appearance. Despite wearing a mask and sunglasses, his red hair looks striking.

"It can't be helped, my hair is in a contract!" said Ethan, who did not dye his hair black because he was bound by a contract with the drama he was currently starring in.

"I thought it would be like this, try there you see the bag at the back" said Mi Sun, who is currently driving her private car.

"Ooo ~, noona ~, as expected from my noona," said Ethan with a smile and put on the hat from the bag.

"Already there, remember! No matter what happens you have to take the Monday flight! Don't attract attention, it could be bad if there are paparazzi taking your photos, especially if there are articles that appear," Mi Sun warned while checking Ethan's appearance occasionally.

"But is this really okay? What if the company is looking for me?" asked Ethan, completely unsettled.

"I told you it's okay. You have visited auntie, take care of your company well, come back to Korea on Monday, and most importantly, don't make trouble! Go ahead, before you miss your flight! " said Mi Sun once again.

"Yes, everything will be fine, Bali here I come ~" thought Ethan, finally getting out of the car and stepping into the airport feeling excited and worried.