You Little Kid!

"Then I'll go ahead!" said the blonde haired woman after their plane landed. Ethan who was tidying his belongings just nodded and put his mask and hat back on before getting out of the plane.

Ethan looks around a little while looking for Agung, the secretary of the NamTech company office, then finally he finds a white man wearing a suit holding a paper that says "NamTech" because previously Ethan told the man not to write his name.

Just in case someone takes a picture of his name. His current arrival in Bali is secret, in South Korea, only his manager knows that he went to Indonesia.

"Agung?" said Ethan as he approached the man.

Agung was a little surprised to see a white man wearing a mask, sunglasses, and hat, but his surprise lasted only a moment before he finally put on a friendly face.

"Mr. Ethan?" asked Agung. Ethan nodded.

"Come with me," said Agung, who then walked to the car park. Once again Ethan just nodded and followed Agung.


"Please Mr. Ethan," said Andrew when he opened the back door of the car.

"I'll just sit here," Ethan refused and opened the door beside the driver, but when he opened the door on the chair there was a briefcase and the scattered documents.

"Ah, I'm sorry," said Agung, a little embarrassed. He didn't have time to tidy up the documents and usually Mr. Baek Hyon, his wife, or the guests he often picks up always sit in the back seat. He didn't expect Ethan to open the door next to the driver.

"It's okay, next time prepare a seat in front, OK!" said Ethan and finally sat back in the backseat.

Agung breathed a sigh of relief. He initially thought Ethan would scold him.

When hanging out with fellow secretaries, many of his colleagues talked about their young master who was spoiled, had a bad temper, and was often angry at trivial mistakes.

So when he heard that he had to pick up the Nam family's young master, Agung was both excited and cautious. Excited because this could be an opportunity for him to be promoted to the position of the young master's personal secretary, and was careful because he was afraid that the young master of the Nam family would be like the young master his friends told him about.

But until now Ethan hasn't shown any signs of that sort.

"We want to go straight to the hotel, or do you want to stop at the beach first? See the sunset?" asked Agung as they exited the airport. He glanced at Ethan in the rearview mirror and was a little surprised to see Ethan's red hair because Ethan had already removed everything stuck to his head.

"Could it be that he likes to party, huh? I have to be careful," thought Agung.

"Let's go to the hotel," Ethan said after a few seconds of silence. He actually wanted to go see the sunset when he learned that his plane would arrive in Bali at 17.30.

But considering Mi Sun always warning him not to attract attention, he decides not to go. It could be bad if someone took a picture and an article came out!

"Very well," said Agung finally.

"By the way, how much is this car rental price?" Ethan asked, curious because the car he was in was pretty good.

Agung pauses and thinks for a moment, "Doesn't he like his car? Or is this car too ordinary?"

"Ehem, one million, sir," replied Agung at last.

Agung really thought hard when he wanted to rent a car. Car rental prices start from 200 thousand to three million. If he rented an ordinary car, he is afraid that the young master would scold him otherwise if he rented the most expensive car, the finance director might scold him.

"Ohh .." Ethan said then fell silent as if he thought of something.

"If you add it with the round-trip airfare, maybe I can buy premium beef. Uhh…" Ethan thought calculating the amount of money he spent.


When he arrived at the hotel, Ethan sat in the lobby and asked Agung to check in.

"Is it done?" Ethan asked when Agung walked over to him.

"Yes sir. This is the key to the room, sir," said Agung, then gave the room key.

Ethan took the key to the room, "Thanks. You can rest first. Maybe in an hour I'll call you," said Ethan when he saw the clock on his cellphone screen that shows 7 pm.


"Woah ... Daebak*," said Ethan opening the room and found a very spacious room. In that room, there is a living room with three sofas and a king-size bed which is only separated by a divider from the living room.

(*cool or awesome)

Ethan then went straight to his bed and jumped into the bed.

"Soft," he thought.

After lying down for a few minutes, Ethan then checked the bathroom.

"Omo * ... Daebak!" said Ethan as he opened the bathroom.

(* oh my gosh, I think it means the same amazement (?) if anyone knows the real meaning please comment xD)

Inside the bathroom is quite large and there is a shower, but what made Ethan amazed was when he saw the bathtub that was there.

"There's a toilet bidet too! Star hotels are different, huh!" said Ethan when he finished inspecting the bathroom. He then threw himself back on the bed before finally taking out his cellphone.

"What time is it in South Korea now?" Ethan thought.

After learning that South Korea and Bali's hour difference is only one hour, Ethan decides to make a video call with Mi Sun.

"Noona! Where are you now?" Ethan asked when Mi Sun picked up the phone.

"Where else? Noona at the home of course! You're taunting me for not having a boyfriend, right? What is wrong?" replied Mi Sun

"Look at this, ta da!" said Ethan who had been standing behind the hotel room door. He then turned the camera over and showed the spacious hotel room.

"Wow! You stay at a great place! Did you and the secretary stay together?" asked Mi Sun, who was seeing such a large room for the first time.

"Tsk tsk… I'm just staying here alone. The secretary stayed in another room. Look at this noona! The bed is really soft!" said Ethan who then jumped up and down on the bed in a sitting position.

"Then noona, look at the bathroom. There's a bathtub and the toilet have bidet!" said Ethan excited to show it.

"How happy… Ahh… when can I stay at a hotel like that? This kid! Calling me just to show off! " said Mi Sun who put on an envious face.

"Hehehe… when I'm more successful, let's go on vacation together, noona! With Elena noona too!" said Ethan, smiling broadly.

"Ahh… Looks like my Ethan has grown up! Already thinking about treating us! For now, you first focus on your business there, and once again."

"Don't attract attention," Ethan continued before Mi Sun finished her sentence.

"Very nice! It turns out you still remember it! Just turn it off! Noona wants to go out first!"

"Hehehe ... yes noona, bye!" Ethan replied before the video call finally closed.

Mi Sun could only smile after the call was closed.

"Thank goodness I told him to go! He looks happy right now! I thought he was an adult, but looking at the luxurious room he smiled like that! You little kid!" thought Mi Sun with a smile.

Ethan first settled in South Korea when he was in the 1st grade of high school. The boy came alone because he said he wanted to be an idol and decided to go to school in South Korea.

Mi Sun didn't really like Ethan at first, because as an only child, Mi Sun's mother's attention, who was the twin sister of Ethan's father, was grabbed by Ethan when the child came to their house.

Initially, Mi Sun was really surprised by Ethan who wanted to be an idol whose income would not be as much as his family's business money income.

But after seeing Ethan's persistence, he still balances school and his training as a trainee. Mi Sun finally understands that the boy just wants to be independent with a job he likes.

"Noona! It worked! I made it! I'm gonna debut! Our group name is Colors! I did it!" said Ethan one day when he came home crying and smiling.

Mi Sun, who saw Ethan's expression at that time, also burst into tears because she knew how hard Ethan was working to make his debut.

Ethan then finally left their house and had to move to a dormitory with the other Colors members.

But the first year they debuted, their group was not that famous because of the really tough industry competition plus there were two other groups that debuted with them as well.

The second year, the group suddenly became famous with their new album. Mi Sun can even see Color posters everywhere. Ethan even made a cameo in one of the dramas that had the highest rating at that time.

One day, the group names Colors and Ethan suddenly became the most searched real time on search sites.

Mi Sun who is curious also looks for Ethan's name and finally, she finds out why the group name and Ethan's name are the most sought after.

They have a scandal!